Because They Emphasize a Great God
“I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised” (2 Sam. 22:4; Psa. 18:3). The God revealed and praised in the Psalms is awesome (Psa. 47:2). He is loving, forgiving, merciful, and gracious toward the righteous, but fearful, vengeful, angry, and ready to judge the wicked. In a word, the Psalms reveal God to be holy: perfect in wrath and perfect in love. What a mighty God we serve (Psa. 98:1)!
Because They Emphasize a Great Trust in God
The psalms give help to those who don’t know where to turn or what to do (cf. Psa. 7). They emphasize a steadfast trust in God. From Psalm 1 to Psalm 150, the psalmist desires to delight in the Lord and in His law (Psa. 1:2-3; Psa. 150:2). Even when our actions aren’t what they should be, the Psalms remind us to seek the Lord’s mercy and pardon and to trust in Him still, no matter what comes (Psa. 32; 51).
Because Our Savior Loves To Listen To and Sing Them
What do you suppose is Jesus’s favorite hymn? When I Survey the Wondrous Cross? My Jesus, I Love Thee? Fairest Lord Jesus? We are singing to a Savior and God who loves to listen to our songs. Why is the throne room of God filled with singing (Rev. 4-5)? Why did Jesus sing a hymn with His disciples on the darkest night He spent on this earth (Matt. 26:30)? Why did Jesus have the words of a psalm on His lips when hanging on the cross if they weren’t close to His heart (Mark 15:34)?
Because We All Have Moments When We Can’t Find the Right Words
I had a young man in my office several years ago who was completely broken because of sin and struggled to express his sorrow and guilt. I invited him to open up to Psalm 51 and he read the first several verses. He looked up from the text and said, “How did he know that’s exactly what I’m feeling???!!!” When words, emotions, and thoughts fail us, look to the psalms. They are the words of inspired, godly men who have been right where we are and expressed to God their (our) inmost desires, failures, and needs.
Because Their Poetry Can Touch the Soul Like Nothing Else
God’s word is amazing for many reasons, not the least of which is the different styles of literature used to convey what God wants us to do or to be. Poetry can stir emotions and stoke the fire of loving devotion in a powerful way. Thus, James gives the admonition for the cheerful to “sing psalms,” that is, to direct the cheerfulness that we may have towards the Giver of all good things (Jas. 1:17; 5:13). The fervent love we have for our Father, for His Son, for His Spirit, and for our neighbor can bubble forth through from the psalms and can touch our hearts and the hearts of others.
Very fine article, thanks. May I translate it into Portuguese and publish it on our website at