What a strange disconnect in Naaman, who knew what he needed to do to be cleansed from his leprosy, but refused to do it because he had his own idea of what would make him clean. Yet, in our own day, this same disconnect accurately describes much of the religious world in the subject of baptism and the cleansing from sins. Consider the principles of obedience we can learn from Naaman’s account found in II Kings 5.
In seeking cleansing, some go to the wrong source (II Kings 5:5-7). The king of Syria sends Naaman to the king of Israel with a petition (almost sounds like a threat of war) to heal his leprosy. It seems the king of Syria, Naaman, and the king of Israel were all ignorant of God’s prophet (cf. v. 3-4, 7). Likewise, people today are by and large ignorant of God’s Prophet, Jesus (Heb. 1:1-2). Instead of investigating him and his words, they rely upon preachers, pastors, teachers, or televangelists to let them know what they need to do to be saved.
In seeking cleansing. some are looking only for the experience (II Kings 5:8-12). Naaman’s fury at Elisha’s messenger’s command shows his problem: his expectation did not match with reality. There are many whose expectations for how to be saved do not match up with the reality of what is commanded in Scripture. There are people who witness about how Christ spoke to them, or testify of the sinner’s prayer and how they felt saved and relieved at that moment. These are much like Naaman in exalting the salvation experience over the actual cleansing as commanded by Jesus (cf. Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; Gal. 1:6-9).
In seeking cleansing, some need convincing to be obedient (II Kings 5:13-14). We need more in the church like Naaman’s servants. They reason with him and convince him of his faulty thinking. God has not commanded us to do some great thing in baptism. Yet, do we ever ask someone, in love, why they are convinced that they are saved if they have never obeyed that part of the gospel (Rom. 6:3-4)? It may take reasoning and understanding, but isn’t it worth talking through the gospel plan of salvation with them?
In seeking cleansing, some will be obedient (II Kings 5:14). Just as Elisha told Naaman, “wash and be clean,” so Christ has told us, “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved” (II Kings 5:10; Mark 16:15-16). It is a matter of choice whether or not we choose to believe the words of Jesus. If someone knew they were dying of something that kills both body and soul, why would they choose not to follow the commandment of God?
In seeking cleansing, only the obedient will be clean (II Kings 5:14-15). Every day there are people who are entering into eternity with a false hope because they have not known, or have not believed that the way to heaven includes immersion in water for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38; 8:36-38). God says to us today as he said through Elisha to Naaman, “wash and be clean.” We should obey, not because Naaman did it, but because God commands it. Salvation will always be found where God places it (I Pet. 3:21-22).
Ye have NOT chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and foreordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My name, He may give it you. John 15:16
RE: It is a matter of choice whether or not we choose to believe the words of Jesus. If someone knew they were dying of something that kills both body and soul, why would they choose not to follow the commandment of God?
Question: How is it possible that “we” sinners, being spiritually dead in SIN, are bewitched to think we are not dead in SIN but have been made alive with the Serpent’s gospel carnal knowledge of good and evil; and it is a matter of choice whether or not we choose to believe the words of Jesus? If someone like Lazarus, who lay dead for three days in his tomb, knew they were held captive in the darkness of spiritually death, why would they think they have a living free-will that can autonomously choose whether or not to obey the sovereign LORD’S regenerating commandment to come forth from the tomb?
The degenerate flesh’s self-righteous choice to place Its carnal-minded faith in Jesus’ words is a false faith from the deluded self-willed sin nature. Foolish virgins from Christ’s Bride vainly attempt to religiously build upon the sinful intellectual foundation of their ‘old wineskin’ heart’s carnal-minded faith, which is as unstable as shifting sand. Daily deciding whether or not to believe in certain words of Jesus, is a never-ending carnal-minded decision-making matter of the flesh, that ultimately leads to perdition.
The wise virgins in Christ’s Bride were foreknown and chosen before the creation of time, and were predestined to be regenerated (Holy Spiritual Baptism) with a repentant ’new wineskin’ heart that is obediently driven by the indwelling Spirit (i.e. New Wine) of His most holy faith.