The 119th Psalm offers some wonderful, timely, and practical lessons for daily Christian living, nearly all of which are rooted in the power and glory of God’s word. Let us consider a few more.
Psalm 119:59
Few things should be as helpful each day as a few minutes of serious introspection. Whether you choose to do it in the morning, evening, or some other time of day, do it. We easily see the need for self-examination in the pursuit of good physical health. Let us not forget to make the more important spiritual application of that principle.
The psalmist wrote, “When I think on my ways, I turn my feet to your testimonies” (Psalm 119:59, ESV). How often do you “ponder the path of your feet” (Prov. 4:26)? Make some time today to think about your life, then determine that you will turn your feet toward the perfect word of Almighty God.
Psalm 119:60
Some things we put off as long as we can: filing tax returns, the check-up with the doctor, mowing the yard. Other things we do as soon as we can: vacation, visit the grandkids, deposit that check. Into which of those two categories would you have to put obedience to God?
Take note of these wise words, “I hasten and do not delay to keep your commandments” (Psalm 119:60). If there is some divinely imposed obligation that you have been delaying to obey, delay no longer!
Psalm 119:62
“At midnight I rise to praise you, because of your righteous rules.”
I am not much of a night owl. If possible, I like to be in bed by 9:30 p.m. On those nights when I’ve turned in early, I’m not really interested in getting back up until morning light. But in reading the psalmist’s words above, I am forced to ask myself, is worshiping and expressing gratitude to God worth the interruption of my sleep? Indeed, it is.
I do not believe that this psalm constitutes an obligation on our part. It is simply a poetic descriptive of the psalmist’s love for the righteous judgments of God. But would it be a good thing to consider? Certainly. Just as fasting interrupts one’s eating schedule in order to focus on spiritual things, perhaps we should consider an occasional interruption of our sleeping schedules to do the same.
Psalm 119:63
In the world of texting and instant messages, a “BFF” is a “best friend forever.” Friends are a wonderful blessing from our God. The best friends that I have in this world are those who want to spend eternity in the same place I do – with God. When it comes to my closest associates, I want to be able to make the words of the psalmist my own, “I am a companion of all who fear you, of those who keep your precepts” (119:63).
What’s more, I want to be that kind of friend to others. “Those who fear you shall see me and rejoice, because I have hoped in your word” (119:74). I always want to live in a way that when faithful brethren see me coming, they will smile.
Psalm 119:67
It’s hard to practice what James wrote in James 1:2, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” But if, after having time for sober reflection, you realize that the hardship brought you closer to God, you may find it easy to echo the psalmist’s words, “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep your word” (119:67). “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes” (119:71).
If you are currently in one of life’s valleys, look diligently for the way(s) in which that difficulty can strengthen your relationship with God. Ask him to help you find it.